
When not on scene using radios, fire departments and fire department members need to communicate in sub-groups, and as a whole. Fire station notice boards are no longer the solution.
Responserack NFIRS Quick reference
Using Everbridge we can send a message to all our team members; phone (land line, mobile, work), email, text messaging - all devices / mechanims - almost instantaneously.
Drones (UAV/UAS) helping on remote lighting strike fires in the mountains.
Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) systems provide an email interface that can be used to deliver notifications to responders.
We created our own ‘Who Is Responding?’ do-it-yourself (at no cost) using GroupMe
How to change or reset your eNFIRS password
Now I don’t have standing to comment on many of these, but as a developer (and now an NFIRS developer) I’ll comment on some:
I’ve been a volunteer firefighters for over 20 years, but I’ve been digging deeper into NFIRS only for the last few years. Here are some of the things I’ve learned along the way.
There are many forms of technology that are beneficial when times allows. Responserack was built to utilize twenty years of experience creating these with adhoc technologies, combining them into a one stop solution.