Responserack is the middle-of-the-night simple Firehouse Software alternative your firefighters and administrators will love.
Legacy Firehouse Software was a pioneering product, but a lot has changed since it was first released decades ago. Technology has advanced, and so have the needs of fire departments and firefighters. Responserack is a modern solution that meets the needs of today’s volunteer fire departments.
Firehouse Software was purchased by ESO and is no longer available for update. Fire departments (especially those planing to switch to NERIS, or attempting to provide NFIRS 5.0 reporting) can no longer use Firehouse Software. Responserack is a suitable alternative for my volunteer fire departments.
Much as Firehouse Software had a lot of modules and capabilities it was a localized “on premises” solution, i.e. it requires a fire department computer to run on, and backups for that computer. Responserack is cloud-based … meaning your firefighters and administrators can access it from anywhere. From home, from work, from wherever they need. Responserack does the backups.
Firehouse Software supported many features, but it was monolithic software with many menus and options. Firefighters need far less than administrators, a streamlined interface for their portion of the job. Responserack has that firefighter simplicity.
Responserack Mobile
Switch to Responserack to meet your needs for NFIRS 5.0 reporting, and satisfy both your administration and firefighters. Volunteer fire departments can migrate to Responserack in under a week.
Modern / Mobile firefighters need the right information at the right time, they need mobile simplicity, and firefighters (especially volunteer firefighters) need limited NFIRS complexity. Firefighters need information delivered to them; effective tools designed for their needs, not designed by NFIRS compliance.
Responserack Mobile App
Responserack brings information up to the firefighter, on their terms; presenting it simply and effectively. Responserack engages firefighters with their fire department data.
Responserack helps firefighters, yet also powers administration.
Contact us here to learn more how Responserack helps your fire department:
Check out our fire department software for our understanding of what to look for in fire department software today, and for the future. Times have changed and modern volunteer fire departments require different abilities to inform, engage and retain their volunteers.
Disclaimer: This website is not affiliated in any way with Firehouse Software, and the information on this page is not endorsed by that organization.