NERIS Reporting | NERIS Specification | Fire Department NERIS Identifiers | What is NERIS? | NERIS Compatible |
NERIS reporting is Fire Department Incident Reporting, i.e. documenting each fire, each motor vehicle accident, and the details of what occurred to cause the incident, and all incidents. Incident reports detail what mitigations were performed by the fire department, and various details around the incident; what/when/where/how, etc.
With this information the United States Fire Authority (USFA) utilize NERIS to gather intelligence to impact policy and inform future response.
Further, the NERIS reporting specification is defines schemas (data dictionaries) for additional aspects. Community Risk Reduction, Health and Safety and more.
NERIS reporting is NFIRS fire incident reporting but with modernizations and improvements.
With NERIS you can both document a dispatched incident type and also a final or arrived at incident type, and you also can have multiple final incident types. You can report being dispatched to a smoke report yet arrive at a vehicle fire with a hazardous materials release that also required patient extrication. You no longer have to coerce the incident into only one incident type.
NERIS has the basic incident information as well as additional modules, such as the fire module or rescue module. NERIS doesn’t have numeric codes, however it still has pick lists of values for many fields in those modules. Those pick lists have been updated, and likely can continue to be updated as needed, whereas NFIRS quickly became stagnant.
NERIS reporting is both simpler and more modern NFIRS reporting, to meet our needs today.
Responserack currently supports NFIRS reporting, and is enabling NERIS reporting in 2025. NFIRS is currently scheduled to be available until the end of 2025, with 2025 to be a hybrid year of both NERIS and NFIRS.
Responserack fits your needs, it fits your department, and it fits your budget. Contact us now to learn how Responserack can help you in 2025 and beyond.