Integrations are when computer systems work together. Responserack works stand-alone as needed, but also integrates with a variety of CAD and dispatch notification systems. Integrations automatically enter incidents into Responserack
Computer aided dispatch (CAD) systems are where Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP) - i.e. 911 centers - capture incoming information in order to dispatch first responders such as fire departments. Creating (and sometimes updating) incident records in Responserack
Other CAD systems are integrated upon demand.
Dispatch notification systems share notifications with fire departments and firefighters, typically using mobile phones.
Other dispatch notifications systems are integrated upon demand.
Responserack integrates with mapping platforms, and exports to KML for Google Earth.
Responserack integrates with other communications and mobile technologies to support your firefighters mobile needs.
Contact us at Responserack to learn more about how we can help your department. If you need to know more we’ll answer your questions.