Improve your Volunteer Fire Department READINESS IN 2025.
Overview:  It's about the volunteer firefighters, first, then the reports ...

Responserack does incident reporting (with export to NFIRS) for volunteer departments and keeps track of department data, which is a worthy goal into itself, but the mission is that plus more

According to the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) many fire departments are experiencing more difficulty with recruiting and retaining members than ever before. Responserack connects your membership to their department; allowing information to flow to mobile firefighter & strengthening the bond.

“As Volunteer Fire Departments we work hard to recruit and train our membership. Engaging them allows us to grow stronger together."

Responserack was created - after decades as a volunteer firefighter and fire department information officer - to give volunteer firefighters a way to connect with their fire department; their operational and membership/qualification data, and with each other. Responserack helps engage volunteer firefighters in their department. Engaged firefighters are retained firefighters.

Adam Jack, Founder & Volunteer Firefighter.

Adam at



Neukadye created Responserack …

Responserack is a registered trade name of Neukadye LLC. In other words, Responserack is a DBA of Neukadye, i.e. Neukadye doing business as Responserack.