fire department software

When not on scene using radios, fire departments and fire department members need to communicate in sub-groups, and as a whole. Fire station notice boards are no longer the solution.
We created our own CAD to GroupMe notifications
Responserack NFIRS Quick reference
Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) systems provide an email interface that can be used to deliver notifications to responders.
We created our own ‘Who Is Responding?’ do-it-yourself (at no cost) using GroupMe
Responserack helps volunteer firefighters have the right information at the right time, with integrated location lookup and location notes.
Responserack helps volunteer firefighters have the right information at the right time, with integrated location lookup and location maps.
Responserack helps volunteer firefighters have the right information at the right time, without overloading them or burying more things in their email. The Responserack briefings view is a personalized feed, customized for each firefighter.
Paper reports have their downsides also. At two in the morning, handwritting is increasingly illegible, firefighters make mistakes on who was in attendance or details of the incident, and those paper reports often go under reviewed.
Volunteer firefighters respond out of duty; to the community, to the department, and to their brothers/sisters in the service. Duty builds within the individual, and a culture of duty builds in the department, through firefighters engaging with the department; connecting with its mission, joining that mission.