NFIRS Codes Cheat Sheet - NFIRS Coding - NFIRS Examples - FDIDs - POCs
Need something else? Here is the complete list of all NFIRS modules and subsequent NFIRS transactions, plus a list of all NFIRS elements.
Here are the NFIRS codes for the ‘Fire Department Street Type’ element, including any “other” values in case none of the preselected choices match:
More commonly used values for Fire Department Street Type…
Fire Department Street Type | Code |
Road | RD |
Avenue | AVE |
Lane | LN |
Street | ST |
Highway | HWY |
Fire Department Street Type | Code |
Alley | ALY |
Annex | ANX |
Arcade | ARC |
Avenue | AVE |
Beach | BCH |
Bend | BND |
Bluff | BLF |
Bluffs | BLFS |
Bottom | BTM |
Boulevard | BLVD |
Branch | BR |
Bridge | BRG |
Brook | BRK |
Brooks | BRKS |
Burg | BG |
Burgs | BGS |
Bypass | BYP |
Camp | CP |
Canyon | CYN |
Cape | CPE |
Causeway | CSWY |
Center | CTR |
Centers | CTRS |
Circle | CIR |
Circles | CIRS |
Cliff | CLF |
Cliffs | CLFS |
Club | CLB |
Common | CMN |
Commons | CMNS |
Corner | COR |
Corners | CORS |
Court | CT |
Courts | CTS |
Cove | CV |
Coves | CVS |
Creek | CRK |
Crescent | CRES |
Crest | CRST |
Crossing | |
Crossroad | XRD |
Crossroads | XRDS |
Curve | CURV |
Dale | DL |
Dam | DM |
Divide | DV |
Drive | DR |
Drives | DRS |
Estate | EST |
Estates | ESTS |
Expressway | EXPY |
Extension | EXT |
Extensions | EXTS |
Fall | FALL |
Falls | FLS |
Ferry | FRY |
Field | FLD |
Fields | FLDS |
Flat | FLT |
Flats | FLTS |
Ford | FRD |
Fords | FRDS |
Forest | FRST |
Forge | FRG |
Forges | FRGS |
Fork | FRK |
Forks | FRKS |
Fort | FT |
Freeway | FWY |
Garden | GDN |
Gardens | GDNS |
Gateway | GTWY |
Glen | GLN |
Glens | GLNS |
Green | GRN |
Greens | GRNS |
Grove | GRV |
Groves | GRVS |
Harbor | HBR |
Harbors | HBRS |
Haven | HVN |
Heights | HTS |
Highway | HWY |
Hill | HL |
Hills | HLS |
Hollow | HOLW |
Inlet | INLT |
Island | IS |
Islands | ISS |
Isle | ISLE |
Junction | JCT |
Junctions | JCTS |
Key | KY |
Keys | KYS |
Knoll | KNL |
Knolls | KNLS |
Lake | LK |
Lakes | LKS |
Landing | LNDG |
Lane | LN |
Light | LGT |
Lights | LGTS |
Loaf | LF |
Lock | LCK |
Locks | LCKS |
Lodge | LDG |
Loop | LOOP |
Mall | MALL |
Manor | MNR |
Manors | MNRS |
Meadow | MDW |
Meadows | MDWS |
Mews | MEWS |
Mill | ML |
Mills | MLS |
Mission | MSN |
Motorway | MTWY |
Mount | MT |
Mountain | MTN |
Mountains | MTNS |
Neck | NCK |
Orchard | ORCH |
Oval | OVAL |
Park | PARK |
Parkway | PKY |
Parkways | PKYS |
Pass | PASS |
Passage | PSGE |
Path | PATH |
Pike | PIKE |
Pine | PNE |
Pines | PNES |
Place | PL |
Plaza | PLZ |
Point | PT |
Points | PTS |
Port | PRT |
Ports | PRTS |
Prairie | PR |
Radial | RADL |
Ramp | RAMP |
Ranch | RNCH |
Rapid | RPD |
Rapids | RPDS |
Rest | RST |
Ridge | RDG |
Ridges | RDGS |
River | RIV |
Road | RD |
Roads | RDS |
Route | RT |
Row | ROW |
Rue | RUE |
Run | RUN |
Shoal | SHL |
Shoals | SHLS |
Shore | SHR |
Shores | SHRS |
Skyway | SKWY |
Spring | SPG |
Springs | SPGS |
Spur | SPUR |
Spurs | SPRS |
Square | SQ |
Squares | SQS |
Station | STA |
Stravenue | STRA |
Stream | STRM |
Street | ST |
Streets | STS |
Summit | SMT |
Terrace | TER |
Throughway | TRWY |
Trace | TRCE |
Track | TRAK |
Trafficway | TRFY |
Trail | TRL |
Trailer | TRLR |
Tunnel | TUNL |
Turnpike | TPKE |
Underpass | UPAS |
Union | UN |
Unions | UNS |
Valley | VLY |
Valleys | VLYS |
Viaduct | VIA |
View | VW |
Views | VWS |
Village | VLG |
Villages | VLGS |
Ville | VL |
Vista | VIS |
Walk | WALK |
Walks | WALKS |
Wall | WALL |
Way | WAY |
Well | WL |
Wells | WLS |
A few NFIRS elements are reused accross a number of transactions, but typically the value is captured by one transaction only.
Specification | Value |
Requirement | Optional |
Element Type | Coded Field - The coded field relating to an entry in the code table. Most coded fields allow for Plus+ One codes. For these fields the expected length of the coded entry is depicted as (National length OR Plus+ One length). Only fields with this notation in the expected length column allow for Plus+ One definitions. If the user has not provided information, an empty field should be transmitted. |
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For more information see the NFIRS Cheat Sheet, NFIRS Coding and contact Responserack to learn about our fire department software.