NFIRS - NFIRS Codes - NFIRS Examples
For NFIRS, aid given and aid received is between fire departments (i.e. not to EMS agencies or SAR agencies, or law enforcement.) See elements Aid Given or Received, and if given then Fire Department Receiving Aid, State of Fire Department Receiving Aid and Incident Identifier of the NFIRS report of the Fire Department Receiving Aid.
We code NFIRS “as is, not as toned”, so a cancellation is of interest only if the tone results in fire department action. Per NFIRS Help Desk: If an incident is canceled before units respond there is no NFIRS incident to record, however if en route then see how to code a cancellation. Further, for a mutual aid both departments need to be on scene. … i.e. working collaboratively, not one working on behalf of the other.
We code NFIRS “as is, not as toned”, and per NFIRS Help Desk: aid is only aid if both fire departments are on scene at the same time. Alternatively perhaps code as a 571 - Cover asignment, standby, move-up.
No, the “host” department makes the complete report … and by referencing thier department, and their incident number, your report builds upon that with your aid information. (This clarifies why both need to be on scene, since at least one needs to complete a full report.)
When completing an incident report with “aid given” far less is required of the report; modules that might normally be mandatory (e.g. structure fire module for a house fire) are not.
Specify the correct incident type for the incident, but recognize the “host” department (the department receiving aid) is responsibile for the majority of the incident data. Provide your actions taken
See more NFIRS coding examples for quick “how to” coding snippets:
For more information see the NFIRS / eNFIRS training and contact Responserack if you would like more help with NFIRS or eNFIRS.