Are Mobile Apps game changers for Volunteer Fire Firefighters?

Volunteer firefighting has been successful for eons before the advent of mobile devices, so what do mobile devices have to bring to volunteer firefighting?

Much of the time volunteer firefighters respond in places where devices would get wet, dirty or cracked … so they often don’t have devices available. Further, when busy & stressed with a fast moving incident, it is impractical to quickly navigate touchscreen interfaces. Mobile apps don’t always help so much as hinder, not even mentioning using devices with gloved hands. There is a time and a place for mobile apps.

Mobile devices aren’t always beneficial on scene

Mobile devices aren’t always beneficial on scene

(Some apps can be helpful on scene, given the right time/place.)

Good times and places …

One good time and place for a mobile app is after the call, when reviewing what was done on the call, or when seeing what you missed on a call you could not attend.

Another is any time you have a moment - at home, work or on the road - and need to check what events (meetings and trainings) are coming up. Fire departments that utilize registrations for events receive improved turnout to these events.

Sometimes, as calls are winding down, a mobile application can provide insights and information, or even capture information for incident reports.

Why a mobile app?

Some of your best firefighters may have no interesting in technology, own no computer, and do their digital from their mobile phone. Mobile apps are accessible to more members in your department.

Your younger and enthusiastic membership will eat up an application, appreciating that increased connection to their department. New members want all the information and access they can get and benefit the most from reading incident reports.

Your more technical members will appreciate the efficiency, putting information and capabilities at their fingertips.

Your less engaged members, who cannot respond right now due to work or life, can keep engaged with their department.

Fire department game changer

Mobile applications are a game changer that bring your department to your membership on their terms. With greater access to fire department data and information comes greater engagement, and engaged firefighters are retained firefighters.

Responserack mobile app

If you are a Responserack customer, please check out the Responserack Mobile App.


Responserack Mobile App

Responserack Mobile App


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