Responserack submit its first production NFIRS file for a mountain fire department. There were no problems with the submission, however one repeated warning occured.

“Response > 20 minutes exceeds NFPA standard.”

as in:

00000^##^01/01/2020^0000015^0^Basic Module^Response > 20 minutes exceeds NFPA standard. Please check times. If correct, no action is required.^Warning^Incident Arrival Time^0^0^
00000^##^01/15/2020^0000472^0^Basic Module^Response > 20 minutes exceeds NFPA standard. Please check times. If correct, no action is required.^Warning^Incident Arrival Time^0^0^
00000^##^02/01/2020^0001019^0^Basic Module^Response > 20 minutes exceeds NFPA standard. Please check times. If correct, no action is required.^Warning^Incident Arrival Time^0^0^
00000^##^02/03/2020^0001093^0^Basic Module^Response > 20 minutes exceeds NFPA standard. Please check times. If correct, no action is required.^Warning^Incident Arrival Time^0^0^
00000^##^02/10/2020^0001431^0^Basic Module^Response > 20 minutes exceeds NFPA standard. Please check times. If correct, no action is required.^Warning^Incident Arrival Time^0^0^
00000^##^02/17/2020^0001711^0^Basic Module^Response > 20 minutes exceeds NFPA standard. Please check times. If correct, no action is required.^Warning^Incident Arrival Time^0^0^
00000^##^03/13/2020^0002599^0^Basic Module^Response > 20 minutes exceeds NFPA standard. Please check times. If correct, no action is required.^Warning^Incident Arrival Time^0^0^
00000^##^03/19/2020^0002877^0^Basic Module^Response > 20 minutes exceeds NFPA standard. Please check times. If correct, no action is required.^Warning^Incident Arrival Time^0^0^
00000^##^03/20/2020^0002916^0^Basic Module^Response > 20 minutes exceeds NFPA standard. Please check times. If correct, no action is required.^Warning^Incident Arrival Time^0^0^

This is referring to NFPA 1710: Standard for the Organization and Deployment of Fire Suppression Operations, Emergency Medical Operations, and Special Operations to the Public by Career Fire Departments - which is the standard for career (with crews at station) fire departments. Here is the NFIRSgram for the 20 minute warning.

Volunteer fire departments with responders dispatched by pager can rarely meet this standard. It takes time to get to the station safely, to don PPE and mount apparatus, and then to respond to the incident address. In more remote locations there can be significant response time to get to an address high on the mountain, or (say) across a lake. Volunteer response and remote response take time.

These NFIRS warnings are good to check (there may have been a data entry problem) but are very common for volunteer departments.

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Responserack provides services for volunteer fire departments; member information services, incident reporting, NFIRS and so much more.

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