Responserack progress towards a volunteer firefighter system…

Overview:  Plumbing in place, website maturing...

Responserack is making progress in a number of areas. Much of it is behind the scenes work; infrastructure, automation, notifications and other such “plumbing”. Some of the front end (user facing) progress is coming along in line with the Responserack view of keeping the user interface simple:


Login made simple

It should not be hard to login to the system, especially from mobile devices, especially for firefighters on the go. As such Responserack allows a variety of simplified logins, including those that require the firefighter remember nothing (using their device as their authentication.)

Login to Responserack on mobile...

Responserack login on a mobile device.


Personalized briefings

Firefighters should not have to wade through masses of updates in order to get what is relevant to them. Responserack collects a personalized news feed for this firefighter.

Briefings (personalized feed) on Responserack mobile...

Responserack briefings on a mobile device.


Some additional bits and bobs of Responserack progress…

  • Management views (administrative, overhead and system control.)
  • Location (place) lookup, and incident history at a place.
  • Export an incident to PDF; allowing backup to paper, locally or to virtual drive.
  • ‘Numbers’ - incidents per month, by category and member standing.
  • Tools for importing incidents from spreadsheets, including attendance.
  • Timed tasks (e.g. new briefing notification emails, years of service reminders.)
  • Tools for exporting incidents to NFIRS.
  • Automatic personalized feed notifications on changes; groups, group memberships, etc.
  • Automatic audit history and timelines (changes over time.)
  • Dynamic NFIRS help pages.

Please let us know what is important to your Volunteer Fire Department needs, and please keep tuned to our progress.

Adam Jack
Learn how Responserack can help you engage and empower your firefighters:
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Responserack for Volunteer Fire Departments

Responserack provides services for volunteer fire departments; member information services, incident reporting, NFIRS and so much more.

Responserack Volunteer Fire Department Software