Responserack NERIS…

Migrating to NERIS

NERIS is the fire reporting system for 2024, 2025 and beyond to replace NFIRS.

Step #1 NERIS lead

The NERIS team state that the first step in preparing for NERIS is for the volunteer fire departments to determine their lead NERIS representative. The role of this person will be to work with the volunteer fire department to prepare for NERIS.

Step 2 NERIS registration

The NERIS team state that the first step in preparing for NERIS is for the volunteer fire departments to register itself with NERIS. Designation your NERIS representative, determine your district boundary in GIS (Geographic Information System) format, and gather your department metadata.

Step #3 NERIS reports

The NERIS team have stated that volunteer fire departments can continue to use NFIRS until they are migrated to NERIS. The expectation is that this will be until 2024 or 2025, depending on the timing of the migration & the rollout of NERIS.

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Responserack for Volunteer Fire Departments

Responserack provides services for volunteer fire departments; member information services, incident reporting, NFIRS and so much more.

Responserack Volunteer Fire Department Software